Friday 9 January 2015


"The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment we lose our humanity." - Adrian Helmsley,  2012.

In the movie 2012, the world was about to end. Everyone was fighting for their chance of survival. The rich and the privileged bought their way into a ship, while the poor and damned prayed in vain that they could somehow survive it all. Crashing tidal waves, earthquakes that shook the earth to its core, gave people a sign of hopelessness. This should be the time that everyone stand together, strong, to help each other. Yet, what happened was the people pitting themselves against each other, hurting each other just so they could survive. The desire to survive isn't wrong, but to fight against each other, instead of for each other, surely that is wrong?

In this world, we are all different. We speak different languages, have different cultures and religion, different believes, but we are all of the same race - humans. There are many, many times where war has left us broken and hurt, left us bleeding and scarred. Some wars leave pain not just in an individual's  heart but also in the heart of a nation. Some scars don't heal, but think about this. If nothing were to be done to heal that scar, there would be absolutely no chance of healing it. The only way to heal scars, is to stand together as one, as humans. First have unity and peace will follow.

2014 has been a tough year for the world. The disappearance of the airplane MH370 shook the world. People around the world heartbroken even though their family and friends weren't on that plane, cried because they know how painful it must be for others. Then, the crashing of the plane MH17. Both these incidents happened to airplanes of Malaysia Airlines and those who hurt the most, other than the family and friends of those on board the planes, would be the Malaysians. Yet, everyone aroud the world shared their grief. When we thought that things couldn't get worse, the flight QZ8501 met its final destination in the Java Sea. Three major plane crashes in a year, not to mention the other plane accidents in other parts of the world, has left people wondering what would be next.

Another heart wrenching incident that happened last year was the Sydney siege in Martin Place. Two brave hostages, Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson had perished. Almost everyone in Sydney came to pay tribute, remembering them forever. This was a very emotional scene. Many people did not know them, never heard of them, yet the tributes kept coming in. The Taliban massacre of school children and teachers in Peshawar. The recent terrorist attack in Paris. All these events, they are heart breaking and tormenting, but at the same time, they bring out the best in humans.

When such things happen, for a moment, everyone forgot who they are. We are not British, not Americans, not Chinese, not Indians, but we are all humans. All the governments are working together to help solve the crisis, showing support and solidarity to those in pain. We see people up on streets, protesting against brutal acts. We see people on social media, criticizing inhumane activities, showing support to those  who are hurt. We see people growing stronger, united because what they hold dear in life has been destroyed. We see unity and we see humanity.

Let us all stand together, because we are strong together. Fight for what matters to us. Fight for each other.

"Today, none of us are strangers. Today, we are one family stepping into the darkness together. We are a nation of many religion, but I believe these words reflect the spirit of all our faiths." - President Wilson, 2012. 

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